
I was browsing the web for ways to make money from home for free and I found a site that has a nice payout rate and payment plan system. Payments to you of course.

The work involved consists of signing up for free info on products and services, joining free websites, completing surveys, and even playing games. The payouts depend on the company that is hosting the offer, and whether or not you complete the offer fully. The website has a forum for users to interact and discuss and a support center.

So if you have no job, or are just wasting time chating about nothing and would like a real chance to make some easy cash for free read a bit more and decided if it's for you or not.

Or Join Now and start earning

In this blog we'll discuss how to earn some free money using possibly the best GTP (Get Paid To) site on the web. It's called CashCrate. Maybe you've read about this somewhere else and where sceptical as to weither or not you should sign up? I promise, it's totally worth it! For just a few mintues a day you can earn an extra $100 or more a month.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CashCrate Hack

I was reading online for more methods of making money on CashCrate when I found something shocking. I've found blogs and videos that actually promote trying to scam CashCrate! It's something called a BOT that fills out the survey's for you in order to decrease the time you have to spend filling out offers. If you ask me, this is a terrible idea!! Why in the world would you want to zoom through the offers and miss out on the awesome freebies?? Another problem also comes to mind. What if the BOT accidentally enters your personal info into the forms from the sponser? LOTS of the offers are cell phone subscriptions that charge $9.99 - $17.99/month! So if the bot fills out say 10 of these offers without your knowledge, you're out around $100 or more!! I find it "safer" and more productive to just fill out the offers myself and earn cool stuff while I make some easy cash. Plus, if you try to scam CashCrate and are caught, you could be banned and lose all your earnings anyway! So what's the point of trying to hack a site that's offering you such easy money!? If you find a blog thats promoting this type of method I'd advise you not do as they recommend.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. I can't believe people would give up control of their personal info like that.
